March 6, 2014

Cold Teething Toy

I have a few teething toys in the house for baby. I admittedly love Sophie the Giraffe because she is just so darn cute and she is helping baby’s teeth to come in quicker than I thought. Thus we have entered into the teething stage complete with the screaming, crying, drooling, and constantly chewing on everything in sight. Funny how it’s the simple at-home remedies that always seem to work the best. I have to give credit to my husband for this one: a frozen wet washcloth. He was reading up on the countless advice given to parents about teething when he came across the suggestion to give baby frozen wet washcloths from the freezer to help soothe the pain. So today I found an old hand towel and chopped it up. It’s simple enough for any mom to try!

First take any hand towel you have (and don’t mind destroying for the purpose).

Then, cut it in half, then cut it in half again twice more. My towel make 8 squares.

I would suggest shaking the towel pieces out at this point to rid the squares of flaking towel pieces. I would have preferably done this outside, but since it’s mid-winter here for us, I shook it over the sink. And boy am I glad I did! Those little pieces got everywhere!!

Soak the towel squares in water and then squeeze out excess water. I’m not sure if baby is going to prefer flat squares or squishy balls so I made both. I just popped these into a freezer bag and stuck it in the freezer during nap time so hopefully they will freeze until crunchy but soft, about 30-60minutes.

What works for your little one? Do you have any tricks to share? I read a good suggestion to actually soak the towels in chamomile tea. The cold will reduce swelling and the tea will apparently soothe some of the pain. I might have to try this next time!

UPDATE: The cloths only last about 10minutes or so, and baby seems to like both the flat squares AND the squishy balls. I didn’t find the chamomile tea made much of a difference for my little one, but it was worth a try.